Australia’s leading voice in the business of service.
Jaquie Scammell teaches a service mindset to leaders seeking growth in their organisation & themselves.

An infectiously enthusiastic, wholehearted, centred and extraordinarily present conference speaker.

CEO & Thoughtleader
Founder and CEO of ServiceQ and a groundbreaking innovator in service leadership, customer service and relational skills.

An eminent voice for service leadership, Jaquie Scammell has tackled the hard question of what service needs to look like in the digital age.
Who I am…
I am a keynote speaker, an award-winning author, a thought-leader in the field of service and am the CEO and founder of ServiceQ. I am passionate about developing service leaders and partnering with organisations to ignite transformative customer service behaviours that stick.
I am a relational skills expert who is acutely focused on practices to be more present in our day to day interactions and ensure our humanity is felt in all culture and service conversations and actions.

"I believe service is an inside job, it starts with you. If you really want to create service behaviours that effortlessly leave people feeling better than when you met them, first you need to do the inner work, both individually and as a team."
What I believe...
I believe we are in a new era of taking care of people, and first we need to understand how to take care of ourselves and our teams, so that we can better serve others. Simple idea, yet not always easy to practice in the modern-day world, where it can feel we are being pulled in many directions with work, family and day to day life. This leaves very little time for oneself. If unattended this eventually leads to you feeling disconnected from your true self, moving away from your centre, feeling out of alignment or perhaps even a sense that something is missing in your life. And so rather than solving problems that are outside of you, the answer lies in investing time in you.
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